Firstly, it's pancake season. I think that there should be a law passed that means everyone must have at least one pancake on shrove tuesday.
I am very passionate about pancakes. My Mum's are the best. I am passionate about what a pancake should be. Thin. Batter made with egg. None of this vegan malarky.
I've got into quite a few debates about pancakes, and always run out of arguments, I guess it's just my snobbishness in the end.
Jonny decided to put my passion to the test and cooked me 4 pancakes for a blind tasting.
They were to be one animal-product-tastic-homemade batter;

one vegan homemade batter (soya milk and flour AKA wallpaper paste), one made from Shake-to-Make Betty Crocker pancake mix and a mystery one...
I tested each one with lemon and sugar. I thought it would be easy to work out which was which.
I was massively wrong. I guessed the mystery one, it was foul. Disgusting. Bleeurghh. This was a week ago and it still makes me feel a bit ill to think of it.
It was a ready made pancake from tesco. Need I say more.
My favourite turned out to be the Betty Crocker, which is massively shameful, but I will say that hours of product development went into making sure that mixture turns out the perfect pancake everytime.

I also thought the vegan one was the non-vegan. I'm humiliated. But heh now I know that I will eat either.
Betty Crocker:




On the actual day I had lunch at Jonny's which involved my first savoury pancake - bacon and maple syrup. Wow. I'll have that again. And then for pudding we had nutella filled ones.
Then I went home to my Mum and she cooked me 4 - all of which were lemon and sugar.
This took my pancake total up to 11.
Then on Wedenesday we invited a load of friends over for a pancake evening

I couldn't even begin to guess how many pancakes were cooked. We made the batter using 10 eggs and got through a block of butter frying them. We'd asked people to bring toppings. Lots of fresh fruit, lemon, nuttella and maple syrup. Plus some dodgy icecream sauces courtesy of Will.
Oh and I know that marmite filled pancakes were consumed.
I ate 9 more that night. So I have had 20 pancakes in a week. I'm proud. Nothing will stop me being proud. Oh bugger my ipod has picked this fantastic moment to play fat bottomed girls.
Secondly it's been an important week for me as my lovely boss left and I've stepped into her shoes and taken on the role of officey manager sort of thing. Which is very exciting. To be honest it doesn't change my job that much, but I am allowed to hit people if they don't recycle properly.
Thirdly (last one, promise) it's been an important week as I came off my medication this week. On Tuesday infact. I was only ill for 6 months and it sometimes seems like a very long time with the changes I went through with my career and then sometimes it seems like a massively short time. I was very ill when I was at my lowest, and now I'm back on form and properly happy. When it started it felt like it would be a lot longer.
So a gushing thank you to all my amazing friends and my brothers who kept me going, especially Becci who I'm sure would have done anything I asked during that time.
And mostly to Jonny who got the worst of it but was there for me every single time I needed him. I don't think I will ever be able to do anything for him on that scale.
Bacon and Maple Syrup pancakes are one of the finest combinations there is. Especially on thick American style pancakes which soak up all the maple syrup.
ReplyDeleteGlad you're feeling better.